102: Drug Free Workplace 104: Gifts to Employees 106: Speakers 108: Fixed Assets 110: Internal Controls 114: General Accounting Principles 116: Depository and Electronic Transfers Authority 118: Valuation of Contributed Capital Assets 120: Sale, Theft, or Damage of Fixed Assets 122: Student Enrollment 124: School Director Succession 126: Public School Fees 128: Fund Balances 130: Document Retention and Destruction 132: Data Practices - Requesting Public Information 134: Data Practices - Requesting Subject Information 136: Consent Agenda 138: Code of Ethics for Board Members 140: Investments and Deposits 142: Early Entrance Procedures for Kindergarten and First Grade 144: Religion in Schools
202: Discipline of School District Employees 204: Background Checks 205: Employee Disability Nondiscrimination 504 Plan 206: Employee Publications 208: Employee Right to Know - Hazardous Substances 210: Equal Employment Opportunity 212: Family and Medical Leave 214: Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse 216: Multicultural, Gender-Fair, Disability 218: Public and Private Data 220: Purchasing Guide 222: Subpoena of a School Employee 224: Expense Reimbursement 228: Credit Card User 230: Whistleblower Protection 232: Conflict of Interest 234: Employee Computer Use 236: Anti-Nepotism 238: Purchasing, Procurement, and Contracting 242: Employee Health Insurance 244: Special Education Teacher Workload 246: Employee Use of Social Media
302: Anti-Bullying 304: Chemical Use and Abuse 306: Student Disability Nondiscrimination Under Section 504 308: Student Discipline 310: Equal Educational Opportunity 312: Harassment and Violence 314: Hazing Prohibition 316: Internet Acceptable Use and Safety 318: Interrogation of Students by Non-School Personnel 320: Weapons 322: Search of Student Lockers 324: Smoke and Tobacco Free Environment 326: Students and Employees with Infectious Diseases 328: Transportation of Pupils 330: Use of Student Data 332: Student Attendance 334: Pledge of Allegiance 336: Inclusive Education Plan 338: Student Wellness 340: Field Trips 342: Student Participation in Academic Competitions 344: Administering Medication 348: Student Organizations 350: Graduation Requirements 352: Credit for Learning 354: Service Animal Policy 356: Academic Recognition Policy 358: Student Dress Code 360: Gender Inclusivity Policy 362: Student Use of Personal Electronic Devices 364: School Meals 366: Academic Recognition 368: School-Sponsored Student Publications and Activities
402: Controversial Issues
502: School Visitors 504: Distribution of Non-School Literature 506: Community Use of Facilities 508: Out of State Students 510: Media Acquisition 512: Crisis Management 514: Memorials for Deceased Students and Staff 516: Sex Nondiscrimination Policy, Title IX Grievance Procedure and Process 518: Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Non-School Persons 520: Distribution of Non School-Sponored Materials on School Premises by Students & Employees 522: Library Materials
Lakes International Language Academy Bylaws