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Get Involved


Families who valued a global education initiated LILA. They volunteered countless hours researching best practices, establishing policies for state and national compliance, navigating international hiring regulations, and so much more. LILA had a Parent -Teacher Organization before it even had a building! 

Your input matters. Our school’s board of directors is comprised of parents and teachers with one community representative, all elected by parents and staff. 

You’ll find open communication with administration and teachers, as well as many opportunities to use your time, talents and treasures to make a difference. Make a donation. Volunteer in a classroom. Host a Language Ambassador. Join the Foundation, PTO, or Booster Club.  

This is the school you chose, and it’s the place where you belong.   

There are many opportunities to volunteer, support, and connect within the school, from driving curriculum to community building events to fundraising for programs and other needs. 
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