Booster Club
The LILA Booster Club plays a key-role in the initiation, growth and development of Lakes International Language Academy Upper School Arts, Activities, and Athletics (AAA) programs. Established in 2019 as a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization to support all LILA AAA groups, the Booster Club serves as an advisor, ensuring a coordinated approach to fundraising, structure, consistency, accountability, continuity, growth and success. Booster Club provides enthusiastic support of Upper School community, teams, and organizations. Members volunteer their time and serve as an ambassador for their individual sport or activity, as well as an ambassador for LILA as a whole.
The Booster Club shall exist with a mission of supporting and broadening the involvement of students, families and the school, through support for all AAA programs at Upper School. The Booster Club works to achieve this, through active participation of as many parents and supporters as possible in the Booster Club membership and by working closely with the principal and administration of LILA.
The Booster Club is organized and operated for the charitable and educational purposes of supporting the extracurricular and educational programs of the Upper School. Purpose:
- Foster LILA community as a whole
- To raise funds to assist all AAA programs.
- To provide support to all programs.
- To foster and promote goodwill and fraternal spirit, to support, promote, and maintain high standards of scholarship, integrity and good sportsmanship in all school related programs.
- To promote and encourage student and parent/guardian participation in all activities, either as an active participant or as a volunteer.
- To assist in relieving school expense burdens by volunteer services.
Key Initiatives:
- Fundraising
- Start-up funding for new activities
- Support for existing activities
- Teacher assistance and appreciation
- Funding and Support for the Senior All-Night Party (SANP)
Get Involved:
- Donate: Venmo or Square
- Join the Booster
- Participate in a fundraiser
- Volunteer