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Attendance Management

Regular school attendance is directly related to school success. LILA encourages families to schedule appointments and time away outside of the academic day or during breaks from school whenever possible. In the event you do need to be away from school we ask that you fill out an online absence form rather than call or email. There are two types of absences and absence forms. Please review each type carefully to determine which form you should use. 

Attendance Supervisor
651-464-0771 x 276 


These are SAME DAY absences. Medical, dental, or other appointments that are less than a full day should be reported here. Others absences in this category: 

  • Tardy (e.g., overslept, flat tire, missed the bus, etc.) 
  • Health/Illness Related (e.g., fever, sore throat, pain, ear infection, nausea, etc.) 
  • Injury Related (e.g., head injury, broken bone, sprained ankle, stitches, etc.) 
  • Arriving Late to School (e.g., medical or dental appointment, other appointment, etc.) 
  • Leaving Early from School (e.g., medical or dental appointment, other appointment, etc.) 
  • Other (e.g., family emergency, other unexpected events)




These are lengthier absences that need the approval of the building principal to be considered an excused absence. Families usually know about these in advance. They include: 

  • Vacations
  • Funerals
  • Family Events (e.g. weddings, graduations) 
  • Religious Observances
  • Surgery
  • Full Day Medical or Dental Appointments (student will not attend school) 
  • Full Day Appointments - Other (student will not attend school) 
  • Other Extended Absence


Prearranged Absence


We know the day can get off to a rough start from time-to-time. Perhaps you had a flat tire, overslept, missed the bus, or simply had a hard time getting out the door.  Families MUST report a tardy online via Absent Today. Tardy reports will NOT be accepted by written note, phone call, or other means.

Tardies are assessed on a case by case basis and may not be excused. Please follow these steps to report a tardy and check in upon arrival to school: 

  • Submit an Absent Today form and provide information about the students' expected arrival time. 
  • Kinder Center and Lower School Parents/Guardians: For safety reasons a parent/guardian MUST sign their student in on the kiosk upon arrival.
  • Upper School students must sign in at the kiosk in the office upon arrival. 

Examples of Excused and Unexcused Absences


  • Student illness verified by a parent, guardian or health care provider. If school personnel determine the illness absences are excessive, Minnesota law permits the school to require the family to provide medical verification or to see the school nurse. 
  • Religious observances required by the student’s religion. 
  • Extreme family emergency - e.g. house fire, critical injury to parent/guardian, funeral of a close family member. 
  • Medical appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of school hours. 


  • Tardy 
  • Shopping. 
  • Visits from friends/family members. 
  • Needed at home - e.g. babysitting, chores.
  • Camps, athletic or other competitions NOT pre-arranged with the school and approved by the principal. 
  • Family vacation NOT pre-arranged with the school and approved by the principal. 
  • No communication regarding an absence - i.e. note or phone call from parent/guardian. 
  • Others deemed unexcused by school administration.