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Purchasing A Device For A Student

Any device that has a microphone or camera will suffice, including an iPad or other tablet, Chromebook, MacBook, or other portable computer, or a desktop computer. LILA students typically use the following devices in the classroom:
Grades K-3 – iPad with microphone and camera
Grade 4-12 – Chromebook with microphone and camera
Families may also want to consider the transition from iPad to Chromebook in Grade 4 when deciding what to purchase; also, a Chromebook for a student in Grade 3 is acceptable.

Borrowing a LILA Device For A Student

School-issued devices are available for check out. Parents/guardians are required to make an appointment to check out the device, as these devices will carry a fine if lost, stolen, or damaged. Please complete the appropriate form below to reserve a school-issued device and we will contact you as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.

Device Reservation Form  

Internet Access

Students need adequate internet access to participate in virtual meetings and complete school assignments. Minimum bandwidth for the LILA product suite is 1 Mbps (Megabit per second) upload and 1 Mbps download. This excludes dial-up services. Several free and low-cost options are listed below. If cost is still a barrier, please contact for assistance in finding options.

Area Internet Service Providers:
Midcontinent Communications
Frontier Communications
T Mobile/Sprint

Lifeline Free or Low-Cost Internet Access:
Lifeline is the FCC's program to help make communications services more affordable for low-income consumers. Lifeline provides subscribers a discount on monthly telephone service, broadband Internet access service, or voice-broadband bundled service purchased from participating providers.
CenturyLink Lifeline Program
Midco Lifeline Program
Frontier Communications Lifeline Program
T-Mobile/Sprint Lifeline Program
Verizon Lifeline Program

Other Free or Low-Cost Devices/Internet Access Services:
Washington County Library - Chromebook and Mobile Hotspot Loaner Program
Comcast Internet Essentials
Xfinity Free WiFi

Low-Cost Telephone Service:
Minnesota Telephone Assistance Program